The Senate will begin debate this week about S. 744, the Senate's 'Amnesty First, Border Security Maybe' bill. If passed, this bill will grant amnesty to 11 million illegal aliens, give out 33 million work visas, and cost American taxpayers over $6 trillion.
Thanks to your donations and faxes, CAPS will be delivering reading glasses to U.S. Senators insisting that they READ THE BILL (S 744, the immigraton-amnesty bill) and vote AGAINST amnesty. Afterwards, we will host a rally to show WHY they should read the bill.
WHO: Californians For Population Stabilization
WHEN: 11 a.m. Tuesday, June 11, 2013
WHERE: Corner of 2nd and C Streets, NE, near Senate Office Buildings, Washington, D.C.
WHY: To show most Senators why they need to read the bill:
- Border security. What will it look like if it’s amnesty first, border security later?
- Joblessness. What do you see happening if 33 million more foreign workers are given new, lifetime work permits over the next 10 years at a time when 20 million Americans are jobless?
- Skyrocketing welfare costs. What is your vision of America’s future when taxpayers have to pay over $6 trillion in welfare for illegal aliens?
We will ask the Senate to please read the bill and tell us.
- Posters with a photo of Sen. Rubio with eyeglasses drawn on his face. "He needs reading glasses because apparently he has not read his own immigration bill."
- Copy of S. 744 itself. It's a lot to read! Over 1,000 pages and weighing 26.6 lbs.
- A bathroom scale for anyone wanting to weigh the bill for themselves.
Background: Californians for Population Stabilization is launching an ad campaign that accuses Sen. Rubio of needing reading glasses because apparently he has not read his own immigration bill. The print advertising campaign launches tomorrow, Tuesday, June 11, on Facebook, in Washington, D.C. and in Florida. The ad shows Sen. Rubio with reading glasses drawn on his face, and asks readers to send him any extra eyeglasses to help clear things up.
9 a.m. Supporters will meet at 2nd and C Streets NE to deliver eyeglasses to each Senate office with a flier, "READ THE BILL."
11 – 12 noon: "READ THE BILL" Rally held at the corner of 2nd and C Streets NE near the Senate buildings. Please bring signs and posters.
The event is sponsored by Californians for Population Stabilization, an advocacy group that works to formulate and advance policies and programs designed to stabilize the population of California, the U.S. and the world at levels which will preserve the environment and a good quality of life for all.
If you live or are in the Washington, D.C. area and would like to help, please contact Californians for Population Stabilization by replying to this email, or calling (805) 564-6626.
Keep up the fight!
Gretchen Pfaff
Associate Director

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