Contact these NC House Reps- H786 (illegal aliens)
We need everyone to contact these Representatives about House Bill 786- Reclaim NC Act. Buncombe, Davidson, Guilford, Harnett, Iredell, Lee, Mecklenburg, Surry, Wake and Wilkes (see below for contact info). They are the co-sponsors of this bill. This is the bill that guts the current e-verify law and allows for almost all illegal aliens in NC to obtain a NC state issued drivers' permit and/or ID card.
H786 was originally designed as an illegal immigration enforcement bill and it still has some very good measures in it however, somewhere along the way, special interests and big business got involved and completely changed the overall intent of the bill.
We need you to contact the current sponsors of this bill and tell them:
1) protect NC citizens and not illegal aliens and their big business/special interest friends
2) put unemployed NC residents back to work by making jobs available to them. The jobs that are currently held by illegal aliens in the construction industry, the travel and tourism industry, the hotel/motel industry, etc...
3) stand up for the conservative Republican values that are listed in the GOP platform and
4) stand up for the constitution and the rule of law.
It will only take a minute of your time and will go a long way towards making a difference in our state. Get involved and be a part of the solution! Your fellow NC citizens will thank you for it.
Thank you,
James Johnson
North Carolinians For Immigration Reform and Enforcement
NCFIRE Hotline: 1-888-885-0879 (anonymous reporting)
cell# 910-286-3022
Background on H786
H786 Sec. 8(f)- redefines a seasonal worker from someone who works 90 days or less, to someone who works less than one year. That dramatically increases the number of people who will be exempt from our e-verify laws. The large corporations (fast food industry, hotel/motel industry, restaurant industry, etc...)are reclassifying many of their employees as temporary so as to avoid paying the Obama Health Care tax on them. They will now be exempt from e-verify as well if this bill passes.
H786 Sec 8(h)- exempts employers in NC from prosecution if they happen to hire an illegal alien, as long as the illegal alien has one of the new state issued drivers' permits or ID cards. It is a violation of Federal law to hire an illegal alien period.
H786 Sec.9 (all) allows all illegal aliens in NC (and in the country for that matter) to obtain a NC state issued drivers' permit and/or ID card. This makes them almost as legal as you and I and beyond the reach of our state law enforcement. They can not be reported for being in the country illegally, they can not be e-verified, they will no longer be charged with driving w/o a license (a free pass on breaking the law). They will instantly be eligible for every social welfare benefit program that every taxpaying NC resident is (without putting a cent into the system). About the only thing they can't use the ID for is to board a commercial airline flight.
Counties and contact info:
Buncombe County
Tim D. Moffitt
Phone: 919-715-3012
Email: Tim.Moffitt@ncleg.net
Nathan Ramsey
Phone: 919-733-5746
Email: Nathan.Ramsey@ncleg.net
Davidson County
Rayne Brown
Phone: 919-715-0873
Email: Rayne.Brown@ncleg.net
Guilford County
John Faircloth
Phone: 919-733-5877
Harnett County, Lee County
Mike C. Stone
Phone: 919-715-3026
Iredell County
C. Robert Brawley
Phone: 919-733-5741
Email: Robert.Brawley@ncleg.net
Rena W. Turner
Phone: 919-733-5661
Email: Rena.Turner@ncleg.net
Mecklenburg County
Ruth Samuelson
Phone: 919-715-3009
Email: Ruth.Samuelson@ncleg.net
Surry County, Wilkes County
Sarah Stevens
Phone: 919-715-1883
Email: Sarah.Stevens@ncleg.net
Wake County
Jim Fulghum
Phone: 919-733-5860
Email: Jim.Fulghum@ncleg.net
The best way to report illegal aliens is to report the company that is employing them to the IRS. ICE will not come after the illegals however, you better believe the IRS will investigate the company that employs them and if they are found guilty you can get a portion of the penalties as a reward! You can do this anonymously as well. We have the forms here: http://ncfire.info/f3949a.pdf and here: http://ncfire.info/f211.pdf