Report from the Judiciary Committee Meeting hearing room LIVE 10:40am EST
The Judiciary Committee could not open its meeting for the markup of the SAFE Act as the committee room was overwhelmed by pro-illegal alien protesters LOUDLY clapping, standing up and chanting.
Capitol Police were called upon scene.
The committee room was "cleared" of protesters who continued to protest loudly and shouted outside of the meeting room: "SI SE PUEDE," - disrupting the committee hearing. Capitol Police were called to quell the disruption outside of the committee hearing room.
The committee room is filled with "Dreamers" in high school caps and gowns - who were not removed from the committee meeting room. They were informed that if they disrupt the meeting, they will be removed from the hearing.
The hearing proceeded with the Ranking Member Conyers and Congresswoman Lofgren's opening remarks - denouncing the SAFE Act as "backward" and "racist."
You can watch the hearing by going to the Judiciary Committee hearing Click on photo of Chairman Goodlatte
 CALL House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte - tell him the protesters do NOT reflect the American people and that you support the SAFE Act. (202) 225-5431
CALL House Judiciary Committee Immigration Subcommittee Chair Trey Gowdy - tell him the protesters do NOT reflect the American people and that you support the SAFE Act. (202) 225-6030
********************************************************************************************************** BACKGROUND INFO on today's committee hearing
Some Good News...The SAFE Act Markup Today: House of Representatives Judiciary CommitteeH. R. 2278 The Safe Act
To amend the Immigration and Nationality Act to improve immigration law enforcement within the interior of the United States, and for other purposes.
********************************************************************************************************************* As the U.S. Senate debates the Gang of 8 Senate Amnesty Bill, the House of Representatives Judiciary Committee will begin the markup on the SAFE Act today. Last week, Jamiel Shaw, Sr., testified before the full House of Representatives Judiciary Committee on behalf of the SAFE Act. WATCH THE MARKUP HEARING ONLINE @ 10:15am EST
TODAY, Tuesday, June 18, 2013 at 10:15am EST - Markup of the House of Representatives Judiciary Committee "Strengthen and Fortify Enforcement Act" (The SAFE Act)House Judiciary Immigration Subcommittee Chair Rep Trey Gowdy said:“A primary function of government is public safety, but under this Administration, we have seen our immigration laws go unenforced, gaps in our national security persist, and criminal aliens released on to our streets. The SAFE Act is a critical step in our efforts to strengthen and enhance interior enforcement and ensures we will not be having this conversation again in 10, 20, or 30 years. The AG Act grants American farmers access to a functional, effective temporary agricultural guest worker program."
Date | Time | Place | Committee |
Tuesday, June 18, 2013 | 10:15 a.m.EST | 2141 Rayburn |
Markup of: H.R. 2278, the "Strengthen and Fortify Enforcement Act" (The SAFE Act)
********************** PRESS RELEASE********************* Judiciary Committee to Markup Immigration Bills Next Week
For Immediate Release June 14, 2013 |
Contact: Kathryn Rexrode or Jessica Collins, (202) 225-3951
House Judiciary Committee to Markup Immigration Bills Next Week
Washington, D.C. – Next week (Today, June 18) the House Judiciary Committee will begin marking up several immigration bills. Since the start of the 113th Congress, the House Judiciary Committee has taken a step-by-step approach to reforming our nation’s immigration laws, embarking on a careful, methodical examination of various components of our immigration system. To date, the Committee has held numerous educational briefings for Members of Congress on our immigration laws, convened nearly a dozen hearings on immigration, and has introduced several bills that provide solutions to different aspects of our immigration laws that need to be fixed.
On Tuesday, the Committee will markup the SAFE Act (H.R. 2278), a bill to improve the interior enforcement of our immigration laws and strengthen national security. The House Judiciary Committee held a full committee hearing on this bill yesterday. Following the SAFE Act, the Committee will begin to markup the AG Act (H.R. 1773), a bill to provide American farmers with a workable temporary agricultural guestworker program that will help provide access to a reliable workforce. The Immigration Subcommittee held a hearing on this bill on May 16, 2013.
House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-Va.) and Immigration and Border Security Subcommittee Chairman Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.) released the statements below on next week’s markups.
Chairman Goodlatte: “For far too long, the standard operating procedure in Washington has been to rush large pieces of legislation through Congress with little opportunity for elected officials and the American people to scrutinize and understand them. Rather than rush a bill just to ‘find out what’s in it,’ the House Judiciary Committee has instead followed the traditional legislative process of regular order so that we do not repeat the mistakes of the past. Immigration reform is too important and complex to not examine each piece in detail.
“Next week’s (Tuesday June 18) markup is part of this process and will afford members of the House Judiciary Committee the opportunity to thoroughly vet two critical pieces of legislation. The SAFE Act avoids the mistakes of the 1986 immigration law by providing a robust interior enforcement strategy, including granting states the ability to enforce our immigration laws, that will help ensure we put an end to illegal immigration. And the AG Act provides American farmers with a workable temporary agricultural guestworker system so that they have better access to a reliable workforce. By removing red tape and other hindrances, this will help farmers to continue growing our food and our economy.
“As the Committee moves forward, we will continue meeting with members of both sides of the aisle and across the Capitol, as well as other stakeholders and interested parties, to reach consensus on the many issues plaguing our broken immigration system. It’s imperative that we get immigration reform right so that we provide Americans and those wishing to immigrate to our great country a workable immigration system for the years to come.”
Subcommittee Chairman Gowdy: “Throughout the 113th Congress the Judiciary Committee has held multiple hearings on the various aspects of reforming our broken immigration system. Next week’s mark-ups of the SAFE Act and the AG Act are the next steps in ensuring we do not repeat the mistakes made in 1986 of legalization without accountability and enforcement.
“A primary function of government is public safety, but under this Administration, we have seen our immigration laws go unenforced, gaps in our national security persist, and criminal aliens released on to our streets. The SAFE Act is a critical step in our efforts to strengthen and enhance interior enforcement and ensures we will not be having this conversation again in 10, 20, or 30 years. The AG Act grants American farmers access to a functional, effective temporary agricultural guestworker program.
“I look forward to continuing this discussion with my colleagues on both sides of the aisle, as well all interested parties. As we continue this discussion, it is critical we examine every aspect of immigration reform so we can create a system that works for many years to come.”
To learn more about the SAFE Act, click here. For more information about the AG Act, click here.
********************************************* READ THE SAFE ACT HR 2278 HERE:
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