“Comprehensive Immigration Reform” Is Anarcho-Tyranny In Action
The government has met the enemy and it is us—the historic American nation.
Washington's long war on its own people has broken into the open, with reports that the National Security Agency, among others, has been spying on the phone calls and emails of American citizens. But at the same time, the Amnesty Establishment and its lackeys in the GOP claim that it is simply impossible to enforce immigration laws, deport illegals, or even build a border fence.
The simple truth: the feds can accomplish a lot if they want to—but reading your emails is higher on their priority list than fulfilling the fundamental responsibility of government.
What gives the game away: the reaction of the Treason Lobby’s Republican collaborators:
Of course, the reason this threat exists—aside from our adventurist foreign policy, which Rubio supports—is because of the U.S. government's fanaticism in allowing in ever more Muslim immigrants. Even now, as it becomes clear that the American government is backing a losing effort side in Syria, the State Department is scheming to inflict tens of thousands of Syrian aliens on helpless American towns and cities. But the Obama Administration—with the help of collaborators like Rubio—is simultaneously halting background checks on immigrants so as to facilitate the Third World invasion.
So much for preventing terrorism.
But McCain is totally confident about the government's claim to monitor the communications of Americans and seems to have no concern about the costs of a permanent and extensive national security establishment.
Arguing against Senator Rand Paul, McCain argues that America is a battlefield. Thanks to his de facto open borders policy, he's right.
My assessment: While Boehner may occasionally make noise about border security, his real concern is giving himself political cover so he can work against the interests of his own supporters. As with many Republicans, Boehner is executing a delicate balancing act, trying to deliver cheap labor for his masters while doing his best to make an Amnesty betrayal look like something other than what it is.
(In the latest twist, “sources familiar with his plans” say John Boehner won't back immigration bill without majority GOP support—by David M. Drucker, Washington Examiner, June 16 2013. We’ll see).
But Boehner showed no such tactical delicacy when it came to Edward Snowden. He called Snowden a “traitor”—which presumably means that Snowden should be killed.
So reporting on the government's activities against citizens is treason, while working to dispossess those citizens is apparently just a higher form of patriotism.
But Senator Paul's fears about the awesome power of “The State” apparently do not extend to their ability to build a wall. In a typically confused gesture, Senator Paul will offer an amendment that will give the government five years to build a border fence—the same one that has already been mandated.
Also, he will require Congress to vote on whether the border is secure—according to the opinions of Congress, rather than any objective standard. As Chuck Schumer is promising that the current bill will make illegal immigration “a thing of the past,” it's not much of a stretch to judge that the junior Senator from Kentucky has not thought this through.
Paul also wants to ban any form of a national ID—the same objection that killed the 1986 Amnesty's enforcement provisions.
Not surprisingly, last week Paul voted with the majority to move Amnesty forward.
Liberals, neoconservatives and libertarians all accept that the federal government has the power to tap the phone calls, read the emails, and even the censor the letters of millions of Americans. But all these groups somehow believe that this same all powerful government is incapable of building a wall in a timely fashion, enforcing current laws, or deporting illegals (even when the illegals in question are testifying before the Senate). All also ignore the obvious truth—immigration laws aren't ignored because the government can't enforce them, they are ignored because the government won't enforce them.
Furthermore, mass immigration of hostile Third Worlders practically guarantees a never-ending terrorist threat—which of course provides further justification for the permanent national security state libertarians claim to oppose.
The Amnesty Establishment and its apologists are a comically obvious example of what the late Sam Francis called “anarcho-tyranny”: the government cracks down on law-abiding citizens while blithely ignoring (and even encouraging) criminality, parasitism, and outright treason.
Any talk of defending against terrorism or extreme actions in the name of national security simply cannot be taken seriously when elected officials refuse to enforce laws that might actually solve the problem.
The American government would rather impose tyranny on citizens than inconvenience the invaders—and the silence of Conservativism Inc., liberals, and libertarians tells us all we need to know about who sets the parameters of debate in Occupied America.
While Americans are distracted by passing issues and Conservatism Inc. profiteers off phony scandals, the nation-breaking Amnesty/ Immigration Surge is proceeding.
This real message of last week: mass immigration, amnesty, and the undoing of the American nation is statism in action.
Both stopping terrorism and preserving what's left of limited government require border security. If Senators and Congressmen don't make the connection, they don't deserve to be taken seriously.
James Kirkpatrick [Email him] travels around the United States looking for a waiter who can speak English.
Washington's long war on its own people has broken into the open, with reports that the National Security Agency, among others, has been spying on the phone calls and emails of American citizens. But at the same time, the Amnesty Establishment and its lackeys in the GOP claim that it is simply impossible to enforce immigration laws, deport illegals, or even build a border fence.
The simple truth: the feds can accomplish a lot if they want to—but reading your emails is higher on their priority list than fulfilling the fundamental responsibility of government.
What gives the game away: the reaction of the Treason Lobby’s Republican collaborators:
- Senator Lindsey Graham (Scalawag-SC), who grows more prissy and hysterical as he ages, cried last month that “You can't build a fence high enough to stop people” because people in Mexico are fleeing a “hellhole.” (It was left for Senator Jeff Sessions to point out that Mexico is not actually a hellhole, being fairly rich by global standards).
- Senator Marco Rubio (Conquistador-FL) has stubbornly persisted in his support for Amnesty, apparently indifferent to his collapsing support among conservatives—perhaps because he is already preparing to switch parties. Unable to sell his own bill to conservatives, Rubio has abandoned even the pretense of pretending he cares about this country, admitting that he's been lying to his Republican supporters about border security—but only in Spanish.
Of course, the reason this threat exists—aside from our adventurist foreign policy, which Rubio supports—is because of the U.S. government's fanaticism in allowing in ever more Muslim immigrants. Even now, as it becomes clear that the American government is backing a losing effort side in Syria, the State Department is scheming to inflict tens of thousands of Syrian aliens on helpless American towns and cities. But the Obama Administration—with the help of collaborators like Rubio—is simultaneously halting background checks on immigrants so as to facilitate the Third World invasion.
So much for preventing terrorism.
- Senator John McCain (MSM—Arizona). When running against immigration patriot primary opponent J. D. Hayworth, McCain conceded that we should “build the dang fence” if it would make the peasants happy. Now, safely ensconced in office, he's shamelessly returned to his efforts to destroy his party and his people in Arizona as a leader of the Gang of 8.
But McCain is totally confident about the government's claim to monitor the communications of Americans and seems to have no concern about the costs of a permanent and extensive national security establishment.
Arguing against Senator Rand Paul, McCain argues that America is a battlefield. Thanks to his de facto open borders policy, he's right.
- Speaker John Boehner, fresh from his daughter's wedding to a dreadlocked Jamaican pothead, announced that he would do his best to make sure the Republican House would not oppose an immigration bill and would debate it. He chirped happily that they could have a bill by the “end of the year.”
My assessment: While Boehner may occasionally make noise about border security, his real concern is giving himself political cover so he can work against the interests of his own supporters. As with many Republicans, Boehner is executing a delicate balancing act, trying to deliver cheap labor for his masters while doing his best to make an Amnesty betrayal look like something other than what it is.
(In the latest twist, “sources familiar with his plans” say John Boehner won't back immigration bill without majority GOP support—by David M. Drucker, Washington Examiner, June 16 2013. We’ll see).
But Boehner showed no such tactical delicacy when it came to Edward Snowden. He called Snowden a “traitor”—which presumably means that Snowden should be killed.
So reporting on the government's activities against citizens is treason, while working to dispossess those citizens is apparently just a higher form of patriotism.
- Senator Rand Paul (Confused-Tennessee). Senator Paul's father Ron was warning about the government computer surveillance and data mining in (literally) 1984. Ron Paul is now warning that the government may try to kill Edward Snowden with a drone.
But Senator Paul's fears about the awesome power of “The State” apparently do not extend to their ability to build a wall. In a typically confused gesture, Senator Paul will offer an amendment that will give the government five years to build a border fence—the same one that has already been mandated.
Also, he will require Congress to vote on whether the border is secure—according to the opinions of Congress, rather than any objective standard. As Chuck Schumer is promising that the current bill will make illegal immigration “a thing of the past,” it's not much of a stretch to judge that the junior Senator from Kentucky has not thought this through.
Paul also wants to ban any form of a national ID—the same objection that killed the 1986 Amnesty's enforcement provisions.
Not surprisingly, last week Paul voted with the majority to move Amnesty forward.
Liberals, neoconservatives and libertarians all accept that the federal government has the power to tap the phone calls, read the emails, and even the censor the letters of millions of Americans. But all these groups somehow believe that this same all powerful government is incapable of building a wall in a timely fashion, enforcing current laws, or deporting illegals (even when the illegals in question are testifying before the Senate). All also ignore the obvious truth—immigration laws aren't ignored because the government can't enforce them, they are ignored because the government won't enforce them.
Furthermore, mass immigration of hostile Third Worlders practically guarantees a never-ending terrorist threat—which of course provides further justification for the permanent national security state libertarians claim to oppose.
The Amnesty Establishment and its apologists are a comically obvious example of what the late Sam Francis called “anarcho-tyranny”: the government cracks down on law-abiding citizens while blithely ignoring (and even encouraging) criminality, parasitism, and outright treason.
Any talk of defending against terrorism or extreme actions in the name of national security simply cannot be taken seriously when elected officials refuse to enforce laws that might actually solve the problem.
The American government would rather impose tyranny on citizens than inconvenience the invaders—and the silence of Conservativism Inc., liberals, and libertarians tells us all we need to know about who sets the parameters of debate in Occupied America.
While Americans are distracted by passing issues and Conservatism Inc. profiteers off phony scandals, the nation-breaking Amnesty/ Immigration Surge is proceeding.
This real message of last week: mass immigration, amnesty, and the undoing of the American nation is statism in action.
Both stopping terrorism and preserving what's left of limited government require border security. If Senators and Congressmen don't make the connection, they don't deserve to be taken seriously.
James Kirkpatrick [Email him] travels around the United States looking for a waiter who can speak English.
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