Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Your Next Campus Initiative: Celebrate Ronald Reagan!

A timely post about from about Ronald Reagan, who was smeared in the movie Lee Daniels’ The Butler. This follows this post about Virginia Dare, an interesting historic figure. In the meantime, you can get more involved if you like here and read an interesting book HERE

·         Your Next Campus Initiative: Celebrate Ronald Reagan

Posted by Patrick Coyle
Ronald Reagan is considered one of America’s greatest presidents. Sadly, college and high school faculty and administrators rarely share an optimistic or uplifting view of Ronald Reagan. Furthermore, many assigned text books attack Ronald Reagan and his presidency. One widely distributed text book, A History of the U.S., describes Reagan’s presidency as "budget-busting, criminal-ridden, [and] trigger-happy." A leading national guide for teachers calls Reagan "a cheerleader for selfishness."

President Reagan, in many of his speeches, often touched on the importance of individual freedom, limited government, and free markets and even warned against political correctness.
Now, you can easily post fliers or distribute leaflets featuring quotes by President Reagan. You may want to obtain one of the following books: In the Words of Ronald Reagan by his son, Michael Reagan, or The Quotable Ronald Reagan by Peter Hannaford. In addition to posting flyers, your club may choose to:
·         Show a screening of YAF's film, Still Point in a Turning World: Ronald Reagan and his Ranch
·         Host a table in the student union to distribute literature on President Reagan
·         Schedule a film festival showcasing President Reagan’s most popular speeches
·         Celebrate him with a party for your club members
 You can also  download  free fliers to distribute! Students, contact us to receive your free copy of our movie, Still Point in a Turning World and your free Reagan posters as well. 
Check out the Campus Conservative Battleplan for more activism ideas!

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